Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Bag of Inspiration

Just after Christmas my dearest friend, Freya, gave me a bag of wool fleece she wasn't using.  Half the bag was some grey gotland that was dirty and matted.  I picked and washed it then dyed it green and used it for the mossy edge of the Playscape I was creating - I love the way the different tones of grey dyed so lovely into shades of green.

The other half of the bag was a glorius mess of dark grey/black curls - I don't know what type of fleece it was but oh if I could get my own curly hair to look like this!  As soon as I saw it I knew it would become my Mother Earth doll - and I knew she'd be wearing a head-dress to go with those dark curls - and voila - inspiration was found - thanks Freya!

Thinking back, I realize it was Freya who first introduced me to felting.  We took turns carrying my oldest son, now 10-years-old, in the baby back-pack as we learnt to wet felt in her kitchen with her own 2 year old hanging out around our legs.

My felting has come along way since then - and been inspired by many wonderful and unexpected gifts.

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